Wyeth's Industrial Scale Ghost-Writing

MedInformaticsMD noted the impending release of documents about how Wyeth engineered ghost-writing of articles about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) here. Now the NY Times has had a chance to review the documents, with fascinating results.

The scope of the ghost-writing campaign was on an impressively industrial scale: 26 articles published over 7 years in 18 medical journals.

The details were ably covered by at least three other blogs. Dr Adriane Fugh-Berman, guest- (not ghost-) blogging on PharmaGossip discussed how the documents reached the public domain. Dr Daniel Carlat on the Carlat Psychiatry Blog, Prof Margaret Soltan on the University Diaries offered some choice comments -

By Dr Carlat

As with baseball players on steroids, when companies pour marketing money into ghostwriting campaigns, they change the rules of the academic game. The playing field is no longer level; the drug company's version of the truth gains the upper hand. Sometimes, their truth really is the truth, but sometimes it's a carefully crafted lie. Sorting it out is difficult even for physicians who specialize in the area being written about. It's essentially impossible for the average generalist physician, to say nothing of patients who did not have the advantage of attending medical school.

By Prof Soltan

This filthy practice incorporates just about everything people rightly revile about some precincts of academia: Plagiarism. Fakery. Arrogance. Laziness. Cynicism (Wyeth was promoting drugs that turned out to be dangerous.).

People make fun of postmodernists by talking about the Postmodern Generator, a program that automatically generates articles full of obscurantist rhetoric. But that’s only generating words. Ghosting whores among our medical faculties are generating real sickness.

These are hard acts to follow, so my comment is: ghost writing is also corrupt. Transparency International defines corruption as abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Medical academics are entrusted to discover and disseminate the truth. Practicing physicians, patients and the public entrust medical academics to provide honest, informed, unbiased information and opinions.

When academics allow marketing hacks to write supposed scholarly articles in their name, they abuse this entrusted power (and privately gain by padding their CV, and often by direct payment as "consultants.") Of course, as noted above, this sort of corruption deceives the public, patients, and physicians into thinking that drugs and devices are better and more valuable than they actually are, denying patients preferable treatments, increasing the risk of needless adverse effects, and driving up the costs of health care.

Those who are pushing for meaningful health care reform ought to put fighting health care corruption at the top of their agendas, starting with the blatant corruption of academic medicine and medical research of which ghost-writing is but one species.